5 Pet Friendly Furniture Ideas You Need In Your Home

If you have pets, then you know it can be a challenge to finding furniture that will accommodate their energetic lifestyles. Perhaps you have a dog who likes to run through the house a lot and bumps into things, or maybe you have a cat in your apartment that likes to jump on everything.

To add to this struggle, finding furniture that not only suits a furry friend’s lifestyle but is also stylish and cool is pretty rare to find. The good news is that we did the hard work for you and it will be easier to know where to look.

Best Pet-Friendly Sofas

Sofas are definitely first and foremost on this list because it’s easily the most noticeable furniture piece in your living room and you’re arguably using a sofa the most out of all the furniture in your living space.

The first part to knowing what kind of sofa to pick is knowing what surface material works best for you and your pets. Leather is the big winner here, and it’s pretty easy to understand why. Leather sofas are the best because your pet sheds, it drools, and the occasional vomit. It’s super easy to keep leather sofas clean compared to cloth sofas because you won’t be spending half a dog walk deep cleaning slobber out of your sofa cushions. Leather also has a tendency to look increasingly better as it ages, so as long as you keep it in good shape, you’ll have a fantastic sofa that you and your pet can chill out on for years to come. The other great thing is that leather sofas are super stylish and there are some great options to choose from that will match the rest of the furniture in your house.

If you insist that cloth sofas are tried and true, we recommend looking around for pet-friendly fabrics that have a tougher weave that will last against scratching and stains. It’s also much easier to clean than loser fabrics that let liquids seep in. The other great thing is that tough weave fabrics are still super stylish and comfortable for you and your pet.

It’s also not just about the sofa itself. A great way to further protect your sofa is to add some pillows and throw blankets to it so that your pet won’t feel the urge to dig between the cushions. They also provide a barrier for when your pet wants to scratch; also when your pet sheds, drools, or has an accident. You can get super comfy pillows and throws to add to your super comfy sofa, all the while keeping your sofa protected and long-lasting for you and your pet. Do some searching to find the best sofa combination for you, your pet, and your home.

Play Resistant Coffee Tables

Coffee tables have long been the stress of many pet and homeowners because they always seem to be in the way of our pets. As a result, our morning coffee seems to be on the floor after our pet bumps it off the coffee table. To remedy this, you can find coffee tables that are great quality, stylish, and sturdy enough to ward off any attack from your energetic pet.

We’d recommend opting for a strong, weighted, round and wooden coffee table that is built to resist tip-overs and nudges. Avoid buying a coffee table with corners. They are more prone to be bumped and nudged by not just your pet, but you as well! Also, pick a coffee table that has a decent height. Anything too low, and your pet will be snatching your bagel with cream cheese right out from under your nose. Anything too high, and your pet will be inclined to run underneath it, which could spell hazards for any items resting atop your coffee table. Know the size of your pet when you go searching for coffee table sizes online.

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Pet Friendly Living Room Furniture

Scratch-Proof Your Floors

When pets get rowdy, they have the potential to make a delinquent mess of your floors. That’s why it’s important to invest in quality flooring that will be resistant to your pet’s roughhousing.

Hardwood floors with rugs are the best set up for you and your pet. Wall to wall carpet isn’t good because it’s harder to clean. Therefore, it traps odors, hair, and allergenic particles that are tough to get out. If you already have a lot of hardwood floors in the house, add some quality rugs to lay down in areas your pet frequents the most. This will prevent floor scratches and your pet won’t slide around and bump into things. Careful which rug you choose, because shag and heavy knit rugs will get loosened up by your pet’s claws and are also difficult to clean. Invest in firmer, tighter knit and low pile rugs that incorporate great woven designs, but will also last against your pet’s

Taller Dining Tables

It’s no joke that our pets love to eat our food more than their own. As such, it’s important to keep your food out of reach of your pets so that your dinner doesn’t become their meal.

The best compromise here is to look for sturdy, taller tables with stools so that your pet cannot get to that wonderful meal you prepared. Avoid tables that are too top-heavy, this will surely lead to tip-overs if your pet tries to catch a peek at what you’re about to get in your belly.

You can find taller dining tables with many different wood types and designs that can fit the style of your home decor. See for yourself which table would look best in your dining room.

Sturdy Wood Options For All Your Furniture

Cheaply made particle board and plastic furniture pieces are usually quite lightweight, and while that can be advantageous for some, it’s quite the contrary for pet owners.

Heavier furniture always prevails against bumps, nudges, and tips. Go for natural wood furniture, it’s heavier, it looks better, and it lasts much longer. It seems that this kind of furniture can be harder to find in today’s cheap age of home decor, but you can find them at a decent price if you know where to start looking.

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Pet Friendly Living Room Furniture


  • https://blog.joybird.com/tips-choosing-pet-friendly-furniture/
  • https://www.article.com/blog/5-tips-choosing-pet-friendly-furniture/

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