All you have to do to learn that the world is a messed up place is flip on your tv or tune in to social media. We’re flooded with stories about people being jerks every single day. It’s true: people can be horrible. That doesn’t mean that good things don’t happen, though. We hear way too much about the bad stuff, and not enough about the good stuff. People are horrible, yes, but they can also be heroes – even in the smallest of ways.
If you’re feeling a little down, or have lost your faith in humanity, these ten stories will revive it. Read on to hear about a real-life Batman, a heroic pizza delivery driver, a generous police officer, and so much more. These are all completely true. They really happened, and the world needs to hear about it. Humans can be pretty great sometimes, don’t you think?
1. Batman Incarnate

PHOTO: DC Comics
Some heroes wear capes. They even wear full-fledged Batman costumes. Superheroes are real. They just aren’t off fighting crime with vigilante justice in the dead of night. One man has spent his fortune on becoming a real-life Batman. He doesn’t do it to fulfill his own dream, though. He does it to fulfill others’ dreams instead.

PHOTO: Cracked
His name is Lenny B. Robinson. He’s a businessman who works in Baltimore, and has spent his fortune on an incredibly realistic Batman costume and plenty of Batman-related gear to go and entertain sick kids in hospitals. He even bought a black Lamborghini and paid for a specialty paint job to make it look like the Batmobile. He spends roughly $25,000 a year on his project, using the money to buy toys and gifts to hand out to kids, and keep his batman costume in tip-top shape so that nobody suspects his true identity.
Lenny B. Robinson might not be hitting the pavement and fighting crime – but he’s arguably doing something even more important. After all, we have plenty of police officers and talented agents out there to catch real supervillains. We need someone to hit hospital floors instead and make sick kids smile. That’s exactly what Lenny has chosen to do.