3. Red Crap, Blue Crap, One Crap, Two Crap

(source: trend-chaser.com)
This teacher has given up on grades entirely. They’ve decided that all the papers are horrible, and so they’ve taken to labeling them as red crap and blue crap. The question is, is blue crap better than red crap? Or is red crap better than blue crap? Who knows?
4. The Treecher

(source: youtube.com)
Sometimes, when your teacher doesn’t want to come to class, they send a tree instead. That’s okay, maybe the tree can teach about environmental awareness, the woes of being decorated for the holidays, or the water cycle. There’s lots of stuff to learn!
5. Remember the Alamo

(source: trend-chaser.com)
When Finals hit, they hit hard. One teacher is giving their students a break. Looks like the only thing these students need to remember for the Finale is the Alamo. Easy enough. Is that a rare Pepe we see hiding under there in the bottom right corner?