Hanks’ Contract

Hanks and Director Zemeckis | oneroomwithaview.com
Forrest Gump did well by the critics, but also by the box office. It earned over $677-million. For his part, Hanks did not take a paycheck. His contract stipulated that he would take a percentage of the profit, which worked out to about $40-million in the end.
Eyes Wide Shut
It’s unlikely you noticed this little egg. For every photo of the main character in the movie, he’s pictured with his eyes closed. These elements of movie making help create a more three-dimensional charter; he’s that guy whose eyes are always closed in photos.
Real Balls
In the story of Gump, he develops ninja-like skills playing table tennis. For the untrained eye, it seems Tom Hanks developed a shadow talent for the film, but this is not the case. They generated the ball in post-production using computer graphics.