5. The Angel at the Airport

PHOTO: Cathay Pacific
It was supposed to be a routine flight out of Omaha, Nebraska. One father was trying to check in for his flight with his 2-year-old daughter at a stressful, busy airport when a problem arose. He had mistakenly believed that his daughter would fly free. When he told the flight agent as he was checking in that his daughter had just turned two, the agent denied a free airplane seat, and asked to see his daughter’s ticket. He didn’t have the money to pay for the ticket, and was faced with missing his flight. After talking with the airport staff, he left the counter to make some calls, distraught and completely unsure of what to do.
That was when the angel appeared.

PHOTO: CafeMom
A stranger stepped up to the counter and spoke to the airport agent. She said she’d be willing to pay for the toddler’s ticket – all $749! When the man realized what was happening, he ran up to the counter to ask the woman’s name so he could pay her back later. She shook her head, and asked to remain anonymous as she paid for the ticket.
The good deed did not go entirely unpaid, though. This woman is forever immortalized as the airport angel in a video commemorating what she did for that man and his daughter that day. It went viral on Facebook.