10. Christmas Came Early

8-year-old Delaney just wanted to have Christmas one more time. She loved music, she loved to dance, she loved Taylor Swift, and she absolutely adored Christmas carols. It was her dying wish to have Christmas early. She hoped that, for just one night, some carolers might stop by and sing some songs.
So, one cold Saturday night, the day after Delaney’s birthday, people started showing up at her home in West Reading, Pennsylvania. At first it was a couple hundred carolers, but then the number just kept on growing. As more and more people arrived, they sang Christmas carols in unison. Delaney was too weak to go to the window to see them, but she could hear the music from her bedroom. Over 10,000 people showed up that Saturday to give Delaney her last wish.

PHOTO: giphy
One of the woman who showed up that night wrote about her experience, saying: “As much as I want that miracle to be saving the life of an 8-year-old little girl, Laney, the miracle was an 8-year-old little girl teaching an entire community, town, city and the whole country the true meaning of Christmas.”