More Story-Telling Street Art Designed to Make You Think

18. Street Clean Up

This is classic Banksy, one of the most well-known street artists from the U.K. It’s hard to know from this picture whether the white paint was on the wall before the maid showed up and whether the bricks are real bricks. They may be painted. Surely, all of these ponderings were part of Banksy’s intentions, all while making a clever comment on cleaning up. The wall would have been an otherwise dreary blight without the maid’s presence.

17. Pac-Man

Over three decades old, Pac-Mac still gets all the street-cred. On this street, he appears as a three-dimensional, chalk version of his yellow self. This style of street art originated with the work of street artist, Kurt Wenner, who famously chalks deep three-dimensional, mind-bending creations. Made from chalk, one can hardly call them graffiti, when a splash of water will wash it all away.

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