25 Inspiring Tales of Real-Life Bravery

17. The Boy Who Pulled a Man From a Truck About to Fall of a Cliff

Peter Hanne lives in New Zealand. One night, in 2008, a stranger knocked at his door saying a truck was on the brink of falling off into the nearby Waioeka Gorge. The 18-year-old grabbed his shoes and ran outside, telling his family to call the cops. He found the truck jackknifed over the side of the road and teetering on the edge with the driver still inside, dangling underneath it. Hanne climbed down the bank and broke the rear window with a wheel brace, helping the injured driver to safety.

“We’re always complaining about our young people… but here is one young man who has really laid his life on the line for another. He is a real hero,” the police constable who was at the scene said.

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